Fuck procurement, pt. 1

Jesus christ, is there anything more annoying than a great brief destroyed by a shitty procurement process?

Procurement need to learn to understand the difference between buying 3 tonnes of bricks and engaging in a months/years long working relationship with a digital agency which is all about people. Literally, ALL ABOUT PEOPLE.

And you can’t find anything out about people when your RFP process:

  • Does not allow any phone calls
  • Does not allow any meetings
  • Involves a blind document submission

You are quite literally going on a blind date, and then agreeing to hop into bed without a condom on. Good fucking luck. Give us a ring once you’ve cured your herpes and we can explore working together.

Invest the time in going to meet people and don’t let procurement get in the way. They’re going to waste you’re time, as well as that of potential agencies.

And frankly, if you’re a marketer forced to work with shitty procurement processes and you know deep down it’s not right, then leave.

Go and work somewhere where procurement actually recognise that their job is to empower you as marketers, and to assist you in finding innovative solutions, not just find the cheapest solution.

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